We are waiting for guests at the exhibitions!

Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve will take part in the largest tourism exhibitions of 2020: Intourmarket-2020, MITT and Sportland.

Excursions to the Central Bison Nursery and the Nature Museum of the Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve are held daily. Many people are interested in the life of the only reserve near Moscow and its world-famous inhabitant – the wild forest bison. But, although we are located very close to Moscow, a trip here for some is a very big event and is constantly delayed until better times! Therefore, for those who have not visited the reserve yet, but are interested in such an opportunity, for those who have visited, but still have some questions and a desire to discuss this with employees, and just nature lovers, we inform you that in March we have a great opportunity to meet in Moscow and in the city of Krasnogorsk at large-scale exhibition events!

You will be waiting for interesting workshops, quizzes, crosswords, games and communication with the staff of the reserve, ready to answer any questions you may have.

Find your free time and come! The events will be attended by many Russian and international companies. Everyone will discover something interesting. Come to the stand of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve – we have something to interest you and your children. If difficulties suddenly arise with the search, look carefully around and where most of the people are, our indispensable assistant will most likely be – the Zubr life-size puppet. Remember that an exhibition without a selfie with our bison is time for nothing!