The purpose of this agreement is to define the terms of use by Users of materials and services of The Pioksko-Terrasny State Zapovednik Federal State Budgetary Institution on Internet domains and (hereinafter referred to as Web-Site).

1. General conditions
1.1. The use of the materials and services of the Web-Site is regulated by the standards of Russian federal legislation.
1.2. The Agreement is a public offer. On receiving access to the materials of the Web-Site the User is considered to be associated with the Agreement, with the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Personal Data Processing.
1.3. To use the materials of the Web-Site the User must grant his/her personal data and consent to process personal data by sending a registration form or a contact form on the Web-Site. The date of accepting the Agreement and the Privacy Policy is considered to be the date of granting consent to process personal data.
1.4. The consent to process personal data is valid for an indefinite period and can be withdrawn by the User by written notification sent by registered mail to Danki, Serpukhov District, Moscow Region, Russia (zip code 142200) or by e-mail
1.5. The administration of the Web-Site has the right to change the Agreement in any time on a unilateral basis. These changes come into effect 3 (three) days after the placement of the new version of the Agreement on the web-site. In case of non-compliance of the User with the changes the User must stop accessing the Web-Site, cease using the materials and services of the Web-Site.
1.6. The Administration of the Web-Site can use the contact information, given by the User in the registration form, to distribute information on orders, business hours, actual campaigns and other necessary information by electronic mail, SMS or Push messages.

2. User Responsibility
2.1. The User agrees not to make actions, which can be considered as a violation of legislation of the Russian Federation or standards of international law, including those in the sphere of intellectual property, Copyrights and neighboring rights as well as any actions, which lead or may lead to any malfunction in the work of the Web-Site of the services of the Web-Site.
2.2. The use of the Web-Site materials without the consent of the copyright holders is unacceptable (article 1270 of the Civil Rule of the Russian Federation). In case of quotation of the Web-Site materials, including copyright works, the link to the Web-Site is obligatory (subitem 1, item 1, article 1274 of the Civil Rule of the Russian Federation).
2.3. The User agrees with the fact, that the Administration of the Web-Site is not responsible and has no direct or indirect obligations to the User in connection with any possible or existent losses or damages related to any content of the Web-Site, Copyright registration and information about such registration, items and services available on/received on external sites, resources or via other contacts, made by the User by utilizing the information placed on the Web-Site or links to external resources.
2.4. The User accepts the provision, that all the materials and services of the Web-Site or any other pert of them can be accompanied by advertisement. The User agrees, that the Administration of the Web-Site is not responsible for such advertisement and has no obligation in this regard.

3. Other conditions
3.1. All possible dispute arising under this Agreement or connected to it shall be subject to resolution in accordance with current legislation of the Russian Federation.
3.2. This Agreement cannot be considered as establishment of agency or partnership relations, joint activity relations, employment relations or any other kind of relations between the User and the Administration of the Web-Site, which are not expressly provided in the Agreement.