Seasons in the life of nature is not always coincide with the calendar seasons. Even in the same area, springs and autumns could be early or late, protracted or synchronous. In Moscow region these data are based on long-term observations of nature development, conducted in the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve.
The summer lasted 155 days in 2015 and 131 days in 2014. Reserve staff noted that this summer compared to the previous one was comfortable, not too hot, with no sudden temperature changes. July was wet, there were collected about 83 mm of precipitation. August manifested dry – soil wasn’t moist enough and, as a result, on deciduous trees, such as linden, bird cherry, rowan, yellow leaves appeared early. The yellowing of birch was observed later than of other deciduous trees – in early August. Forest took full autumnal yellow-purple color from September 5th. In 2014, the yellowing of leaves was observed much later than this year. Gradually all the trees are losing their foliage, soon they will be brown-gray. Frost on the reserve began in October, ground temperature was 0 ° C, in the air – to -0,6 ° C. The autumn in 2015 indulged Moscow region.
Phenological observations in reserve are complex, that means include meteorological, botanical and zoological data. They are processed in the form of the Nature Records. Places of phenological observations are standards and designed to characterize this landscape territory.
Terms of inanimate nature differ from last year. Beginning of winter line with the average. Freeze-up on the river was 3 days earlier than average, while the spring opening of the Oka was 9 days earlier.
The phenological dates of mushrooms from 2010 to 2014 are virtually identical. Blueberries bloomed 2-5 days earlier, strawberries on all phases was late almost 12 days. Lingonberry late with flowering, cranberry and strawberry virtually correspond to the average dates for the five-year period. Equal timing of phenological events indicates an average spring, and the fluctuations are largely dependent on the open places, soil and temperature conditions.