Reserve Announces “Four Seasons” Photo Competition

Today is the start of the International Ecological Photo Competition “Four Seasons”, which has already become an annual event in the program of ecological and educational events of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve.

The “Four Seasons” competition is an excellent opportunity to make a statement for the beginners in photography and to show off professional skills for successful experts. Even if photography is only one of your interests, you will enjoy the process of work as wild nature makes the best “model” for a photo shoot.

To take part in the competition, you need to choose one wildlife object (a plant or an animal) or an inanimate natural object (mountains, rivers, lakes, etc.) and take its photo in different seasons (autumn, winter, spring, summer). You also need to frame the photos in a collage, which will reflect the seasonal changes of this natural object. For the visual clarity and simplicity, it is important to make all four photos of the collage from the same perspective.

The competition has no age restrictions. Both individual and collective or family works are accepted to the competition. The number of works by a participant is not restricted. However, you should note that low quality images won’t be admitted.

The admission of the photographs will be held from October 3 to November 2, 2017. You will be able to see the works of the participants and vote for them on the website of the reserve from November 2 to December 4. The results of the competition will be published on December 18, 2017.

Details on the requirements to the works and the participation conditions are on the competition’s page.