«March of Parks – 2018»

The Wildlife Conservation Center summed up the main results of the March of the Parks – 2018. During this event, reserves, national parks, schools, centers of creativity held more than 680 local marches, in which more than 120,400 people took part.
More than 350 organizations acted as active partners; More than 670 ecological actions took place, during which 7 thousand people provided volunteer assistance to the protected areas.

Environmental clubs, participants of school environmental groups, libraries, houses of culture, museums, employees of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology, heads and employees of local administrations, local residents, parishioners of monasteries, employees of forest areas, nature reserves and national parks, members of search clubs, activists.

  • Our reserve has actively participated in such events:
  • The competition of environmental quizzes for primary school teachers and educators of the older groups of pre-school institutions “Erudite of nature protected areas”, which was attended by 34 people;
  • Participation in the contest “The World of Nature Reserve”, in the framework of which the poster contest “Save the Reserve Nature” was held, dedicated to solving specific problems in specially protected areas. 190 children’s works were sent to the reserve’s address. Unfortunately, there are no winners among them, and yet we hope that further cooperation with the adult population and children will continue;
  • Open volunteer days in which 292 people took part.

Corporate volunteer days, the number of participants 346 people.
With the help of volunteers in the reserve, the territory of the central manor and ecological paths “Through the Foliage” and “Tree House” were cleaned; the sides of the public road passing through the reserve were cleaned. At the bison nursery, pens were being cleaned from fallen trees, hedge painting and much more.

 Such actions are of great importance, and at the same time provide an opportunity for participants to get closer to nature and the people who preserve it.