Get in Touch With Wildlife

The Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve has started the eco-educational action “Get in Touch With Wildlife”, devoted to the 100-year anniversary of the reserve system in Russia.

The Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve is used to working with kids on environmental and educational issues. The experts of the reserve work both with their closest neighbours, the schools and kids clubs in Serpukhov and the Serpukhov district and with the young visitors coming to the reserve for a guided tour. Ecological lessons on different topics and kids programs with interactive games, designed for the specific age of the participants, have already become a nice tradition in a high demand.

As soon as the reserve announced the start of the action «Get in Touch With Wildlife», it got a quick response from more than 40 educational and cultural institutions of the Serpukhov district and the Moscow region.

For instance, they include the employees of the library and the teachers of the middle school in the village of Lypytsy. They have arranged a multimedia educational and gamified program «Live symbols of reserved Russia» for six-graders. In the course of the event, the students got to know the world of plants and animals of the reserved places of their homeland and then took part in an interactive quiz.

Many educational institutions add their own interesting events to the suggested by the reserve actions. For example, the school №3 in the small town of Protvino in the Serpukhov district organized a competition for the best poster and a wall newspaper about the Year of Ecology. The school also arranged a library book exhibition «The Year of Ecology and Specially Protected Natural Areas – 2017».

The participants of the eco-educational action send their report materials such as photos, reviews and informative messages to the reserve, as well as their suggestions and proposals. Our staff is very pleased to see people interested and enthusiastic about studying and protecting wildlife and the work of reserved territories.

«Specially protected natural areas … are our atonement for the devastated and broken down wildlife and suppressed biosphere, our hope for a better future», – said the outstanding biologist, the member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and a professor V.V. Dezhkin, a famous popularizer of the study about nature and its protection. The staff of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve hope that their effort will help to find new reliable allies on the work of nature protection.