April 22, on the “International Mother Earth Day”, a bison was born in the Central Bison Nursery of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve. This is the first baby in 2020.
In the morning, Irina Zemlyanko, deputy director for bison maintenance and breeding, saw a newborn baby walking under the protection of several females. Animals showed the baby bison from afar and took him deeper into the pen.
Murakami, the father of the calf, was nearby. The name of the mother is still unknown: at first the bison kept around the newborn with the whole herd. But we’ve already come up with what to call a bison. If it is a girl, then Musemlya, and if the boy is Musemlyak.
New life is beautiful in itself. And when the kids appear on such a day, you begin to believe in miracles. We wish our first baby bison health this year and more fresh grass.