Digest September 2023

Smith & Nephew

Once a year a group of volunteers from Smith & Nephew comes to Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve. On Thursday, September 7, it happened for the fifth time, so we can say that we have a good tradition. Each time this team of volunteers is given different tasks, from cleaning paddocks to painting fences. This year, household work was carried out quickly and efficiently on one of the reserve’s cordons. Volunteers and reserve staff dismantled and dismantled an old shed.


Mulya and Musya at the elections

Last weekend in the Moscow region the elections for the governor of the region took place. FGBU “Prioksko-Terrasny State Reserve” supported the organization of the voting site. Visitors to the polling stations located in the village of Danki, at the address Shkolnaya Street, 2, MBOU “Turovskaya SOSH”, were able to see an interesting photo exhibition prepared by the Reserve’s specialists. In addition, all those who brought their children with them on September 10, took part in a fascinating master class “Beast in the footsteps of any” and an entertaining environmental quiz “Who is hiding in the forest”. Of course, they couldn’t miss the elections and the “Bisons” – Mulya and Musya. The furry symbols of the reserve and children’s favorites enjoyed taking pictures, dancing and entertaining the visitors.

The work is nearing completion

The Central Bison Nursery is nearing completion of the project on the current repair of structural elements of the inner fence. The work was carried out at the expense of charitable funds allocated by the Khakass Republic Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization “Russian Geographical Society”. In the bison enclosure, three new retractable feed troughs for mixed fodder and a hay trough, protected from precipitation by a solid and reliable roof, appeared. An important improvement to the bison feeding infrastructure is the ability to dispense feed and maintain the feeders without the need for specialists to enter the fence. The works are nearing completion and soon their quality will be tested in practice by those for whom the Central Bison Nursery has been working for 75 years.

Harvest Festival in Pushchino

On September 16, a bright and cheerful fair of agricultural and creative achievements of Pushchino residents took place on the main square of the Cultural Development Center “Vertical”. The main heroes of this year’s harvest festival were dolls “Bison” who came from the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve. During the event they collected a full chest of tasty and healthy vegetables for the inhabitants of the Central Bison Nursery.



Adopt a Bison Day

On Saturday, September 23, FGBU “Prioksko-Terrasny State Reserve” invited participants of the “Adopt a Bison” program. The event had a friendly format. At a short official part, everyone gathered in the auditorium heard the financial report of the Deputy Director for Environmental Education, Development and Tourism. Then the Deputy Director for Bison Keeping and Breeding told about the innovation and presented a modern device for chipping animals. Foster parents were very interested to learn about the life of their wards, about each of which was told on a colorful presentation with a detailed photo report. The event ended with the presentation of souvenirs and letters of appreciation, as well as an excursion to the Central Bison Nursery.

Volunteers in September

In the second half of September, three organized groups of volunteers came to help the Prioksko-Terrasnaya Nature Reserve in its management. Employees of the Southern Head Office of the Srednerussky Bank of Sberbank cleaned the demonstration yard in the Central Bison Nursery from dead wood. On September 29, a team of students from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations worked to improve the Central Estate of the Reserve. After the work, we traditionally organized an extended excursion for the students, including a visit to the Integrated Background Monitoring Station. On September 30, employees of the transportation company Neutech Logistics Rus LLC proved to be excellent diggers, cheerful people and gifted cooks. We are very grateful to all our helpers!

Large-scale works have started

Large-scale works on the improvement of the territory of the Central Estate of the Reserve have started. The inconveniences are temporary, and the new pavement of pedestrian paths and the main square will last for many years! We will try to finish the work as soon as possible. We apologize and are sure that everyone will enjoy the renovated Central Estate and the excursion “Road to the Bison”!



Tourist value of Serpukhov

The phrase “Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve” is on everyone’s lips from small to large. It is like a superhero and a mega-famous personality and is the centerpiece of any reportage! Recently, the specially protected natural area was visited by a film crew of ANO “MosoblPark”, whose staff made a video about the winners of the regional festival of modern dance “City Dances in Parks” – Marvel Crew from Serpukhov. “What do they have in common?” – you ask. Gleb Osipov, head of PR-department of “MosoblPark”, appealed to the reserve with a proposal to conduct filming in the Central Bison Nursery and supplement the video about the dancers with a story about the cultural and tourist value of the city district of Serpukhov – the protected area and its inhabitants – bison and bison. The permission was granted with pleasure, so we are waiting for the finished report to look at others and show ourselves.

Bison can be found in Moscow

FGBU Prioksko-Terrasny State Reserve is one of the ten specially protected natural territories, whose inhabitants, listed in the Red Book of Russia, are the subject of the photo exhibition “VDNKh mascots travel to Russian nature reserves”. The exposition took place in the most popular museum and exhibition space of Moscow – VDNKh. Colorful posters vividly illustrate the biodiversity and uniqueness of our country’s fauna. At the photo exhibition – the symbol of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve – the European bison is placed next to the Far Eastern leopard and Ussuri tiger, saiga and humpback whale, giant vesper and white herons, Przewalski’s horse, reindeer and moose. The exhibition will run at VDNKh from September 25 to October 6 on Cosmonauts Alley near the Northern Rose Garden.

The reserve is coming to you!

Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve is the Pearl of the Southern Moscow Region and the main attraction of the Serpukhov urban district. Just for the birthday of this municipality FGBU “Prioksko-Terrasny State Reserve” organized a banner photo exhibition “The Reserve: a look through the lens”. Starting from September and till the end of autumn Serpukhovites can see rare shots made by the Reserve’s staff and professional photographers, get acquainted with its flora and fauna, with the king of bulls – bison and learn interesting facts about the only reserve in Moscow region. The photo exhibition is open to everyone in the Art Cluster of Oleg Stepanov Park, the largest and oldest park in Serpukhov.