Scientific issues
On Thursday, March 3, the meeting of the academic council of the reserve was held for the first time in 2016.
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Сomputer technologies for nature conservation
The employees of the Prioksko-Terrasny biosphere reserve have been trained to use the new geographic informational system (GIS).
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Modern pathfinders
In early February 2016 there was winter route of animal counting in the reserve. It was attended by state inspectors, research workers of the reserve, employees of the department of environmental education and educational tourism and also volunteers.
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Naturalists did the bird counting
On February 13-14 there was a settled bird account in the Prioksko-Terrasny nature reserve. Last time this event was held at the beginning of winter, December 13-14.
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The Hoopoe Year
The calendar can be not only productive, Orthodox, Eastern, but also ornithological.
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Young naturalists conduct winter estimation of birds in the reserve
December 12-13th, the first winter season 2015/16’s route estimation of wintering birds took place in the territory of the Prioksko-Terrasny biosphere reserve and its surrounding area. Scientists have been conducting similar events in the nature reserve since 1970s. Route estimations allow to keep up-to-date information about changes of the number of birds.
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Beavers on the Oka river
The autumn estimation of beavers in the Prioksko-Terrasny biosphere reserve is complete. It’s results and restoring populations of these rodents on the Oka comments Senior Researcher, PhD Sergey Albov.
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Research initiatives
On Thursday, December 3th, a regular meeting of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve Academic Council took place.
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A bird in the nest is worth two in the bush!
On Saturday, November 28th, at the request of the biosphere reserve employees of the company “Alp-profy” Sergey Dylyuk and Yana Shpigova inspected and photographed unfinished nest, where this summer arachnologist Rimma Seyfulina during the accounting work discovered and captured a pair of black storks engaged in courtship.
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Seasons in the Biosphere Reserve
Seasons in the life of nature is not always coincide with the calendar seasons. Even in the same area, springs and autumns could be early or late, protracted or synchronous. In Moscow region these data are based on long-term observations of nature development, conducted in the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve.
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