Planned Samples
On August 23 samples were collected for routine investigations in the Bison Breeding Centre before sending the animals in 2016.
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Reserves Might Become Enviromental Observatories
The need to create environmental observatories on the base of SPNR was discussed at the Russian National Science and Research Meeting. The meeting called “Stationery Ecological Research: experience, goals, methodology, organisation problems” took place in the Central Forest Nature Reserve from 15 to 19 of August.
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Volunteer Day in the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve
On August 13 the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve hosted a regular open volunteer day.
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New Addition to the Bison Family
A group of visitors was surprised as they witnessed the birth of a baby-girl bison Marsianka (female Martian) on August 5.
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Staff of the US Embassy in Moscow spent Saturday volunteering in the Prioksko-Terrasny reserve
The staff of the US Embassy in Moscow took part in the Volunteer Day held in the Prioksko-Terrasny reserve on July 28.
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New Secret Paths
Two new educational facilities, an eco-park “Tree-house” and a high-altitude ecological trail “Through the leaves”, have opened their doors to the visitors of the Prioksko-Terrasny reserve on July 5. About 200 visitors came to the facilities in the first six days.
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Wildflowers: from Healing to Killing
Summertime is a period of common and protected herbs blooming. It is the time to get acquainted with wildflowers, learn which of them are wholesome, which are poisonous and which require our protection.
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Spiders Bring Good Luck
Another stage of spiders fauna count has come to an end. For the last year the researches added 42 new species to the list of the reserve inhabitants.
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Happy Birthday, baby-bisons!
Fresh blood in the reserve: four more baby-bisons were born last week.
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Scientific Cooperation Restored
On June, 9, Thursday, a regular meeting of the Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Biosphere Reserve Academic Council took place.
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